Sunday, September 17, 2006

Featured Item: Scarflette Set (its not self-promotion, I swear!)

A while back, before school was out, Laura approached me and Rita about doing a coproduction scarflette set, and it was just recently finished. Due to how awesome the THREE separate scarflettes look together, they are being sold as a set and I think they are absolutely FABULOUS. Laura is one of the people I met early on in my Etsy tenure and she has always had gorgeous photos and gorgeous things to sell- but this I love. She came up with the idea, and Rita spun the yarn for the scarves themselves- I made the flowers. The idea came out so lovely that I just can't resist- I need to show you guys.

Absolutely GORGEOUS.


ChickenBetty said...

I am speechless - these are beautiful!

AmysBabies said...

OH MY! That is gorgeous!! Good job guys : )